ECPower Segment Management - A digital reality of customer journey map for DTC brands | Product Hunt

Product Roadmap

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Prioritized Tickets

Integration of Generative AI

Incorporate generative AI to assist in data interpretation and segment creation. An AI agent will respond to various queries by referencing store data and unique segment conditions, available as an add-on feature through a pay-as-you-go token system, tailored to user needs.

On-demand Historical Data for Segments

While ECPower uniquely records and displays metrics and sales data for segments, it currently only does so from the segment creation date. We are considering a pay-as-you-go token system to allow users to create and access historical data as needed.

Listed Tickets

Gender Estimation

Without supplementary surveys, Shopify does not provide customer gender data. While ECPower focuses on behavioral rather than demographic segmentation, there is value in gender insights. We could offer a service through ECPower that estimates gender based on customer names, depending on user demand.

Store Sales Insights

Analyze how much each customer segment contributes to overall store sales. Development will be considered based on user demand.

Product-focused Insights

Analyze combinations often bought together or what products are typically purchased after buying a certain item, offering insights not directly related to customer segments. Depending on user demand, this could be developed as an add-on feature.

Import Shopify Segments into ECPower

This feature would allow importing segments already created in Shopify or other tools like Klaviyo into ECPower. Development will be considered based on user demand.

Customer Tag Management Feature

While ECPower can synchronize with Shopify customer tags, Shopify's native tag management is not optimal. We can offer an add-on feature that allows for bulk management of tags in ECPower, depending on user demand.

Implement Master Settings for Financial and Reference Data

Enable stores to define their own sales metrics, LTV, and average order value, and to ignore order data prior to a specific date, such as after a site renewal. Variations to consider include inclusive or exclusive of taxes, shipping costs, and discounts such as coupons.

Enable Manual Data Resynchronization

Presently, data synchronization with Shopify occurs once daily. If customer or product tags are added or changed on Shopify, updates are not reflected in ECPower until the following day. We are considering a feature that allows for selective manual resynchronization of product and customer data.

Schedule Data Updates at Optimal Times Based on Store Timezones

Currently, updates are scheduled at 3:00 PM and 4:00 PM UTC. We will update this to reference the timezone set for each store to synchronize with Shopify and update app data at the most optimal times.

Create segments from your local csv list

You can create "static" segment by uploading list. It will be limited to customers who is in Shopify database.

Customizable home

We will enable customization of the data displayed on the home screen according to user preferences.

Segments with pre-purchase-customers

Currently, customers who have ordered at least once are managed in ECPower, but we will include lead customers who have not yet made a purchase but have registered their email addresses in segment creation.

Completed Tickets

Reproduce segment metric and revenue history before created date

We offer a feature that enables the replication of metrics and sales trends for periods prior to the creation date of customer segments. For example, for segments created during a financial period, it is possible to trace back to the beginning of the financial period or replicate data up to the same period a year ago for comparison, thereby evaluating current metrics and sales. This is a resource-intensive feature and is expected to be offered as an optional service (pay-per-use based on the duration and size of the segment) primarily to paying customers.

Enhanced segmentation with customer metric

Enhanced segmentation based on customer's metric status. For instance, you'll be able to create segment for "AOV" is higher than xx USD, "Avg purchase interval" is shorter than xx days, or "lifetime (from 1st to latest)" is longer than 6 month, and so on.

Expand dimension for segmentation

Add Shopify's "Collections", "Product type", "Country", etc to the dimensions list for segmentation.

Customizable "feature" analytics

We will make it possible for users to customize the content displayed on the page that analyzes the "feature" of segments. -> implemented as over 60 reports per segments.

Directly create Shopify's customer segments

Currently, we are facilitating segment integration via Shopify customer tags, but we will enable the creation of 'segments' directly from ECPower on the Shopify admin panel. This feature will be greatly beneficial for users utilizing Shopify Email.

Store and user to N:N relation

Currently, it is configured for one store per account, but we will enable multiple users to access a single store, and one user to access multiple stores. This can be utilized, for example, by marketing teams that are used by multiple people, or when sharing data with partners.

Enhanced management of customer segments

Enhance the customer segment management feature . It will be possible to classify customer segments with tags and create views for each classification, as well as change the order of display. It will be similar to the document screen of Notion

Autosync with Shopify tag

It will automatically synchronize ECPower customer segments with Shopify customer tags. The process of tagging customers who are newly included in a segment or removed from a segment will also be automated. ECPower segments can be accessed from other tools such as email marketing and chat.

Customer Journey

Provides a feature to visualize customer movement between segments in the form of a 'Customer Journey Map'.