ECPower Segment Management - A digital reality of customer journey map for DTC brands | Product Hunt
Customer Insights
What's 'Insights'?

What's 'Insights'?

Last Update:
Aug 8, 2024

What is Insight?

"Insight" is a feature that provides detailed reports on the purchasing behaviors of customers within a particular segment from multiple angles.

If no customer segment is selected, it displays data for all customers in the store.

By setting an aggregation period, you can examine characteristics based on the order data within that specified timeframe.

Specifications for Period Filter

You can define the period of order data used to generate insights. It's crucial to understand that this does not involve filtering by specific customers.

1M / 3M / 6M / 12M: These options use the current date as a reference, corresponding to "the last month," "the last three months," etc. Specifically, data is aggregated from the beginning of the month one month back from today. For example, if today is July 14, 2024, choosing "1M" would include order data from June 1 to July 13, 2024.

Custom: You have the option to specify custom dates and times for more tailored insights.

Report Categories

  • Product preferences: Highlights which types of products, categories, and tags are favored by customers.
  • Source of visits: Identifies which acquisition channels, referral sources, and UTM parameters are most effective.
  • Order methods: Delves into the preferred sales channels, order tags, and coupon usage among customers.
  • Order date/time: Analyzes when customers are most likely to make purchases, broken down by month, week, and time of day.
  • Customer stats/properties: Examines metrics like spending amounts, purchase frequencies, and intervals between purchases, as well as customer tags and demographics.



Aggregates the number and percentage of customers who made purchases under specified conditions within the customer segment.

  • Customer Count: The number of people within the customer segment who purchased the specified item during the set period.
  • Ratio: The ratio of people who purchased the specified item to the entire customer segment during the specified period.
  • Monthly

    Tracks the monthly trend of customers who made purchases under specified conditions.

  • yyyy/mm: The number of people within the customer segment who purchased the specified item in that month and year.
  • Note: Except when checked at the end of the month, be aware that the data for the most recent yyyy/mm may be incomplete.‍

    Nth order

    Aggregates the number of customers who made purchases under specified conditions by order frequency.

  • Initial: The number of people within the customer segment who purchased the specified item for the first time.
  • Repeat: The number of people within the customer segment who made a second or subsequent purchase (repeat purchase) of the specified item.
  • Nth: The number of people within the customer segment who purchased the specified item on their Nth purchase.
  • Order count

    Aggregates the number and percentage of customers who made multiple purchases.

  • Once: The number of people within the customer segment who purchased the specified item only once.
  • Twice +: The number of people within the customer segment who purchased the specified item two or more times.
  • N times: The number of people within the customer segment who purchased the specified item exactly N times.
  • Histogram

    Visualizes how numeric data per customer is distributed within the segment.

  • Average: The overall average of numeric data for each customer.
  • Median: The median numeric value of a customer when all customers are sorted in order of their numeric data.
  • Maximum: The maximum value of numeric data across all customers.
  • FAQ

    How do you define the bin / bucket size for the 'distribution' report? Can I change it?

    We employ a statistically validated method to construct bins/buckets tailored to your data, ensuring optimal fit and accuracy. Currently, the customization of bucket sizes is not available.

    What's the limitation of 'past period data', when using filters for order period?

    It's essential to understand that customer segments are dynamic, with daily changes in their composition. A straightforward example is the "new customer" segment, defined by a purchase count of one. Once customers make their second purchase, they automatically exit this segment.

    Our 'features' reports focus exclusively on the current makeup of each segment. Thus, individuals who were part of a segment in the past but aren't as of the reporting date won't be included, even if the analysis period is set retrospectively. The essence of these reports is to shed light on the present customer base.

    As of now, our platform doesn't support historical segment features analysis. To keep track of segment features changes over time, we recommend regularly downloading reports. We're eager to hear your suggestions and feedback to enhance our service further!

    ECPower Product Manager

    Edited and supervised by Product Manager of ECPower - Shopify Customer Segment & Journey Management, supporting Shopify merchants' CLV growth, CRM strategy and data analytics.

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