ECPower Segment Management - A digital reality of customer journey map for DTC brands | Product Hunt
Segment Management
Create Segment

Create Segment

Last Update:
Aug 8, 2024

Query Group

  • “Query Group” is a group that combines multiple conditions.
  • You can add multiple conditions within a group, and link them with AND or OR.
  • If there are three or more conditions within a group, you can only choose to link all with "AND" or link all with "OR".
  • You can connect multiple groups with AND or OR. When connecting three or more groups, you can only choose to link all with "AND" or link all with "OR".

Add / Delete Query and Query Group

  • Query groups can be added by clicking on "Add Query Group". You can create up to three query groups.
  • Query groups can be deleted by clicking on the "×" icon at the top right.
  • Queries can be added by clicking on "Add Query". Within one query group, you can create up to ten queries.
  • Queries can be deleted by clicking on the "×" icon on the right.


Category Subcategory Description Type
Products Product Customer who placed order in which “Title of product”... multiple
Products Product Type Customer who placed order in which “product type”... multiple
Products Product Variant Customer who placed order in which “Product Variant”... multiple
Products Product Tag Customer who placed order in which “Product Tag”... multiple
Products Product Vendor Customer who placed order in which “Product Vendor”... multiple
Orders Order Tag Customer who placed order in which “Order Tag”... multiple
Orders Sales Channel Customer who placed order in which “Sales Channel”... multiple
Orders Coupon Customer who placed order in which “Coupon”... multiple
Orders Order Date Customer who placed order where “Order date” is in... period
Orders Order Value Customer who placed order where “Order value” is in... numeric
Acquisition Referrer Customer who placed order in which “Referrer”... multiple
Acquisition Landing Page Customer who placed order in which “Landing Page”... multiple
Acquisition UTM source Customer who placed order in which “UTM source”... multiple
Acquisition UTM medium Customer who placed order in which “UTM medium”... multiple
Acquisition UTM campaign Customer who placed order in which “UTM campaign”... multiple
Customers Country Customer whose “Country” ... multiple
Customers Province Customer whose “Province” ... multiple
Customers Customer Tag Customer whose “Customer Tag” ... multiple
Customer stats Recency (Days From Last Purchase) current date ー last purchase date numeric
Customer stats Frequency (Total Order Count) Total order count of all period numeric
Customer stats Monetary (Total Order Value) Total order amount of all period numeric
Customer stats AOV (Average Order Value) Average order amount of all period numeric
Customer stats Purchase interval days Average purchase interval days of all repeat orders numeric

Operator options for each Dimension

Operation type Option Meaning
numeric is within range of A ~ B means A or more, B or less. If you do not specify either value, it will mean "All above" or "All below.”
numeric is equal to It matches the specified value exactly.
numeric is not equal to It refers to everything that does not match the specified value.
multiple contains all of It includes all the specified options. In the case of order-related dimensions (order, product, customer acquisition), it means "customers who have placed an order containing all the specified options within a single order.”
multiple contains any of It includes any of the specified options.
multiple contains none of In the case of order-related dimensions (order, product, customer acquisition), it means "customers who have not placed an order containing any of the options".
period is between dates You create a period condition by specifying a date and time. If you do not specify either value, it means "All past" or "Up to the most recent date." Please note that the latter does not mean "the date the customer segment was created.”
period is within days range of You create a period condition by referring to X days before and Y days before the current point. If you do not specify either value, it will mean "All past" or "Up to the most recent date.”

Advanced filters

  • For order-related dimensions (order, product, customer acquisition), you can specify the following detailed filters:
  • Order Period: Specifies the period during which orders were made.
  • Nth order: Specifies the Nth that orders were made. If you choose 1st, it means customer who placed order in which product is xxx WHERE the Nth of the order is 1st. In short, you can create segments based on first purchased product.
  • Order Count: Specifies the number of orders made.
  • The detailed filters that can be set for each dimension are as follows. (★: Can be set)

Category Dimension Order Period Nth order Order Count
Products Product
Products Product type
Products Product Variant
Products Product Tag
Orders Order Tag
Orders Sales Channel
Orders Order Date - -
Orders Coupon
Acquisition Referrer
Acquisition Landing Page
Acquisition UTM source
Acquisition UTM medium
Acquisition UTM campaign
Customers Country - - -
Customers Province - - -
Customers Customer Tag - - -
RFM and AOV Recency (Days From Last Purchase) - - -
RFM and AOV Frequency (Total Order Count) - -
RFM and AOV Monetary (Total Order Value) - -
RFM and AOV AOV (Average Order Value) - -

Operator options for each Advanced Filter

Advanced Filter Option Meaning
Order Period Unspecified By default, nothing is specified (meaning "for all periods") is set.
Order Period is between date You can specify a period by date. If you don't specify either value, it means "all past" and "up to the latest date", respectively. Please note that the latter does not mean "up to the date the customer segment was created.”
Order Period is within days range of You can create a period condition in the form of "from X days ago to Y days ago" based on the current point. If you don't specify either value, it means "all past" and "up to the latest date", respectively.
Nth order Unspecified By default, nothing is specified (meaning "for all Nth of order") is set.
Nth order is first Specify this if you want to target the first purchase.
Nth order is last Specify this if you want to target the most recent purchase.
Nth order is in Specify the range of frequencies that will be targeted. For example, if you specify "2 to 4", you will count orders that are the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th order for each customer. If you do not specify either value, it means "from the first order" and "up to latest order", respectively.
Order Count Unspecified By default, nothing is specified (meaning "at least one order") is set.
Order Count is within range of Set the threshold or range for the order count that will be targeted. If you do not specify either value, it means "up to X orders at most" and "at least X orders or more", respectively.

Preview Metrics

  • Preview the list of metrics when creating a customer segment with the currently set queries.

Save Segment As…


  • Name of the customer segment.
  • There is a 64-character input limit. Also, duplication with existing names is not allowed.
  • It can be changed after creation.


  • This is a field for entering a description about the content of the condition-based customer segment.
  • You can add information that makes the conditions, creation purpose, and content of the segment easy to understand when viewed in a list.


How can I create a segment that includes all existing customers?

  • You can create a segment by setting “RFM > Total Order Count” as “1 ~ (null)”, which means customer who placed order (for any products) at least one time.

ECPower Product Manager

Edited and supervised by Product Manager of ECPower - Shopify Customer Segment & Journey Management, supporting Shopify merchants' CLV growth, CRM strategy and data analytics.

Change log

Jul 13 2023 Article Published

Dec 10 2023 Updated.

Jan 1 2024 Updated

Feb 21 2024 Updated