ECPower Segment Management - A digital reality of customer journey map for DTC brands | Product Hunt


Luxury items and gift stores

- ECPower is a tool to...

Remind Customers at Key Moments

Use ECPower to craft messages that will make your customers remember you at important times. It's also great for creating more Advocators—people who will share your brand and give your products as gifts. Begin by organizing your customer segments around significant events.

Challenges ECPower Can Address

Being Remembered During Key Moments

For luxury and gift stores, it's crucial to stay in customers' minds during significant occasions, especially since these products are often bought less frequently. This is key to maintaining a high customer lifetime value. With ECPower, you can send messages that resonate with your customers, based on your past interactions, exactly when special events roll around.

Increasing Advocators Who Share and Give Gifts

Converting customers who buy for themselves into Advocators—who then recommend your store or give your products as gifts—is vital for both encouraging repeat business and attracting new customers. Use ECPower to keep an eye on how well you're doing in turning your repeat customers into brand champions.

Use Case

Managing Segments for Important Events

  • Target customers who have made purchases during similar past events like Christmas, Valentine’s Day, or for Mid-Year gifts. Craft and send messages that are just right for these occasions.
  • Focus on expanding your segments of customers who buy gifts. For instance, engage customers who haven't bought gifts before with special messages at these key times, encouraging them to consider making a gift purchase.
Luxury items and gift stores

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ECPower has supercharged our customer management cycle

Bakery Store Merchant

It helps us create unique customer groups and track their lifetime value, focusing on their purchases and behaviors. This tool also enhances our marketing strategies, allowing for more effective planning and action.

ECPower has significantly streamlined our customer relationship and marketing efforts

Cosmetics Store Merchant

Previously, promotions required extensive manual data gathering and list creation. Now, ECPower enables us to quickly form customer groups, launch promotions, and assess their success with ease. It has eliminated the heavy lifting of data collection, saving us time and accelerating our PDCA cycle with its result visualization feature.

Targeted Marketing Has Boosted Customer Engagement and Doubled Conversion Rates.

Gift Store Merchant

Previously, our mass emails were generic, but now we create specific customer groups for more personalized and effective engagement. This not only boosts repeat business but also makes strategizing with customer profiles more enjoyable.

I am Shopify partner working for merchants. How can I collaborate with ECPower?
I use email marketing tool. Why should I use ECPower?

If you want to track the growth of segments with data, or manage the customer journey, there are benefits to managing customer segments with ECPower. Read more